Adults: often the result of work accidents (high-risk mechanisms include hammering, chiseling, or grinding, especially metal on metal contact; machine-yard work such as lawn mowing;...
Superficial FBs that are removed after the injury typically leave no permanent sequelae. However, corneal scarring, cataracts, and infection may occur, and the longer the time interval betwe...
No topical medications or ointments should be administered if globe perforation is suspected.
Topical anesthetics (proparacaine/tetracaine) may be used to assist with the examination and decr...
Follow-up every 1 to 2 days until all epithelial defects are well healed and all corneal infiltrates have resolved
No activity or positioning res...
Accurate history taking that involves attention to the mechanism of ocular injury should be obtained.
Remember that the clinical presentation of IOFB can be subtle on initial presentati...
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