A malformation sequence
Clinical triad of short neck, low hairline, and fusion of multiple cervical vertebrae resulting in decreased range of motion (ROM)
First described independently...
Clinical presentation is variable due to the presence/absence of different associated anomalies.
Often Klippel-Feil syndrome is discovered incidentally on physical examination.
The complete tr...
No known treatment for underlying etiology
Treatment is symptomatic, which includes modification of activities, bracing, and, for subluxation, traction. Response to traction m...
Annual cervical spine radiographs to evaluate for instability
Additional follow-up studies based on individual system involvement
Brown MW, Templeton AW, Hodges FJIII. The incidence of acquired and congenital fusions in the cervical spine. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med. 1964;92:1255–1259.
Driscoll ...
When examining the back, always look at the scapula for Sprengel deformity.
If Sprengel deformity is observed, consider cervical spine x-rays to rule out fusion associated with Klippel-...
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