Results from a traumatic subluxation of the radial head, which is produced by sudden forcible traction on the pronated hand or wrist with the relaxed elbow extended
Subluxation of the...
History alone is the basis for diagnosis in most cases.
Consider prereduction radiographs if there is a history of trauma.
Postreduction views are unnecessary.
Consider x-rays if the child’s ar...
Not typically necessary for reduction
Consider acetaminophen (15 mg/kg) or ibuprofen (5 to 10 mg/kg) as needed.
Reduction techniques: flexion–supination and hyperpron...
Even when multiple attempts at closed reduction fail, spontaneous reduction almost always occurs.
Usually no long-term sequelae
Consider an occult fracture or carti...
Commonly occurring traction injury age <4 yr
Educating families to avoid pulling or putting traction on the child’s arm for several days following injury significantly decreases the ...
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