The posterolateral corner (PLC) was once referred to as “the dark side of the knee” due to the limited understanding of the structures and how to treat them 1.
An isolated injury of P...
Not as common in pediatric or geriatric population
Any injury that may hyperextend, externally rotate, or force the tibia into varus angle can injure the PLC 1[A].
A posterolateral blow...
Because an isolated injury of the PLC is extremely rare and most PLC injuries are associated with multiple ligament injuries to the knee, some authors, including our faculty, promote treatin...
Fibular nerve injury
Vascular injury
Physical injury
Multiple ligament injury
If ACL or PCL is repaired and PLC injury is missed, early arthritis and graft failure occur.
Geiger D, Chang E, Pathria M, et al. Posterolateral and posteromedial corner injuries of the knee. Radiol Clin North Am. 2013;51(3):413–432.
Sekiya JK, Swaringen JC, Wojtys EM,...
PLC injuries are often associated with other ligament injuries.
Always perform a neurovascular check:
Foot dorsiflexion
Palpate dorsalis pedis pulse.
Posterior tibial pulse
Look for Segond ...
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