A disorder of unknown cause in which the proximal femoral epiphysis (head of the femur) begins to “fall off or slip off” the femoral neck
The slippage occurs at the epiphyseal plate, ...
Determined by history, physical examination, and pelvis anteroposterior (AP) and frog-leg lateral view radiographs.
It is important to always examine both sides owing to possibility of bilate...
Orthopedic referral should be made immediately upon diagnosis 3.
Patients should be made non–weight-bearing.
Surgical stabilization is the mainstay of t...
Orthopedic referral should be made immediately on diagnosis.
Patients should be made non–weight-bearing if the diagnosis is suspected.
Prognosis is usually...
SCFE can present unilaterally or bilaterally with only knee or thigh pain; not all cases have hip pain.
All adolescent patients with thigh or hip pain should get x-rays. The recommended...
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