Least common of all tendon injuries ...
Fall on outstretched hand 4[C]
Direct elbow trauma 4[C]
Patients may feel a pop with resisted elbow extension such as with weight lifting or daily activities 1[C].
Swelling ...
Ice and acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) initially are appropriate.
Arm should be placed in sling with 90 degrees or less of flexion initially af...
Aunon-Martin I, Prada-Canizares A, Jimenez-Diaz V, et al. Treatment of a complex distal triceps tendon rupture with a new technique: a case report. Arch Trauma Res. 2016;5(1):...
Triceps rupture should be included in differential diagnosis of every patient with an acute elbow injury 6.
Significant swelling increases risk of missing diagnosis initially because it...
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