Also called flexor tenosynovitis
Type of stenosing tenosynovitis
Nodule on flexor tendon catching on first annular (A1) pulley
Can affect any digit; occasionally, multiple digits
Ring an...
Painful catching/clicking with finger flexion or extension
Pain over MCP; may refer to palm or proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
Digit may be locked, usually in flexion.
Stiffness dev...
Activity modification
Splinting of MCP joint at 10 to 15 degrees of flexion × 6 to 10 wk:
Reduces tendon motion in sheath
Allows resolution of surrounding synovitis
93% with part...
Excellent; over 90% symptom resolution with steroid or surgical...
Akhtar S, Bradley MJ, Quinton DN, et al. Management and referral for trigger finger/thumb. BMJ. 2005;331(7507):30–33.
Giugale J, Fowler J. Trigger finger: adult and pediatric t...
Clinical diagnosis by painful catching at MCP joint
Corticosteroid injection is safe and highly effective first-line treatment.
Surgical release provides excellent results when conservat...
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