Ocular trauma is often underrecognized and is a leading cause of vision loss in the developed world. It can lead to vision loss through direct loss of the eye or indirectly due to cataract, gla...
A high suspicion for ocular trauma is key to the immediate diagnosis and initiation of treatment.
Diagnosis is often guided by history. As with all trauma patients, it is often necessary to p...
Consult ophthalmology emergently.
Administer antibiot...
Patients should be advised to wear safety glasses.
Any patient with a globe injury will need continued monitoring by an ophthalmologist.
Boyette JR, Pemberton JD, Bonilla-Velez J. Management of orbital fractures: challenges and solutions. Clin Ophthalmol. 2015;9:2127–37. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S80463....
Maintain a high suspicion and initiate treatment immediately.
Obtain appropriate imaging to evaluate for intracranial trauma, intraocular foreign body, or orbital bone fractures.
Treat ...
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